Halloween is just around the corner. Do you have your costume yet? If not, there is no better time to get in touch with your crafty side and make something to help accessorize and dress up any home made costume. I have made different crafts using jewelry pieces and my favorite glue, E6000. I wanted to make a steampunk costume a few years ago so I put together the costume myself.


For my accessories, I worked with many found jewelry pieces as well as various gears and cogs that I had purchased from a jewelry supplier. The great thing about steampunk jewelry is that you can get very creative and make just about anything. On the left, I took a large heart pendant and added wings, gears, a key and other pieces to it. On the right, I made a brooch using some artist foil and pressed a lock design into it and aged the cracks with paint. I then added various gears, feathers, and other jewelry pieces all over surrounding the keyhole. The entire piece was mounted on thick mat board and a pendant pin was added to the back.

jewekry collage

As diverse as the accessories can become, so can the option of jewelry pieces. Anything from clock pieces, old watches, owls, angel wings, gears, cogs, butterflies, bugs, springs, nuts and bolts, rivets, gaskets, and just about any other metal objects that you can think of to create these one of a kind piece of jewelry.

You don’t have to limit yourself to steampunk style. There are so many types of jewelry pieces out there that you can create just about any type of period jewelry piece to adorn your costume.