Some artists use dry mediums such as chalk pastels and charcoals that offer great blending qualities but are quite messy. When an artist creates artwork with pastels or charcoals, they need to protect their piece from being smudged. Krylon Workable Fixatif is an aerosol spray that coats the artwork to help it stay in place without altering the colors. The fixatif is applied just like a clear coat and dries to a matte finish. Applying one or more coats help keep the media from smudging when something comes into contact with it. You can spray multiple layers over your art as you are working on a piece and come back over the dried fixatif and continue to layer more color. Workable Fixatif also works well on protecting pencil drawings.  Krylon Workable Fixatif is very easy to use and will come in handy in your studio. Just be sure to use it in a well ventilated area.